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Is it possible to double down in blackjack after hitting?

To truly succeed at blackjack, it's crucial to employ the proper strategy, even though the game already offers a minuscule house edge (typically less than 1%). Among the myriad of strategies, there is one that centers around the art of doubling down. Familiarizing oneself with the nuances and optimal moments to execute this maneuver is vital since it stands as one of blackjack's most renowned wagers. Employing this tactic with precision has the potential to significantly augment your winnings.

We'll go over the intricacies of this renowned blackjack wager together, covering everything from the ideal timing to employ it to situations where it should be avoided. Stick with us as we delve deeper into the nuances of this well-known betting strategy. We'll provide you with valuable insights on when to execute this move effectively and when it's best to steer clear of it. Stay tuned and gain a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding this popular blackjack bet.

What Does it Mean to Double Down in Blackjack?

In the thrilling game of blackjack, there exists a strategic move known as the double down, wherein the player amplifies their wager mid-hand and receives just a solitary additional card from the dealer. Engaging in this audacious maneuver entails a certain level of risk, for should the player be dealt a diminutive card, their chances of requesting another hit are irretrievably forfeited, thereby leading to a twofold augmentation of their losses. Nevertheless, when executed with precision, this daring tactic has the potential to yield considerable profits, making it an enticing prospect for the astute gambler.

In the game of blackjack, there comes a moment when a player is dealt their initial two cards. It is at this point that the opportunity to double down presents itself. However, certain conditions must be met in order to exercise this option. Typically, if one is fortunate enough to receive a natural blackjack, they are not permitted to double down. Similarly, if a player chooses to hit or place an insurance bet, doubling down is off the table. On the contrary, if one decides to split their hand, they often find themselves eligible to double down. It is important to note that while multiple double downs are possible throughout the game, players are limited to performing this action only once per round.

Players often mistakenly believe that doubling down in a game implies the act of adding two additional cards to their hand or simultaneously participating in two separate hands. However, this misconception stems from confusion with splitting, a move that requires the player to be dealt at least two cards of identical value.

When Should You Double Down in Blackjack?

In the game of blackjack, my ultimate goal is to outsmart the dealer. Thankfully, brilliant minds in the field have formulated a comprehensive strategy based on mathematical probability. This remarkable plan encompasses every conceivable outcome, providing us with valuable insights. By adhering to this strategy, I can ascertain the optimal moment to double down in blackjack over an extended period of play. Consequently, whenever I perceive a favorable statistical advantage, it is wise for me to take action.

According to statistical data, the probability of the dealer losing the hand is highest, and there are three scenarios where you can avoid busting.

Hard 10 or 11 Against Any Lower Dealer Card 

When playing blackjack, it's often wise to consider doubling down if you're dealt two cards totaling 11. By doing so, there's a good chance you'll achieve a solid hand of 18 or more, with a probability of approximately 53.8%. Additionally, you have a 30.4% chance of hitting the coveted 21. These favorable outcomes make doubling down an enticing option in many blackjack strategies.

If there were two 5s in my initial hand total, it is highly advised to double down. However, it's important to note that this strategy should not be employed when the dealer's up card is valued at ten or an ace. Additionally, it is recommended to double down when my starting hand total is 10.

When faced with either of the aforementioned scenarios, where the sum of your initial cards equates to 10 or 11 (2-8, 2-9, 3-7, 3-8, 4-6, 4-7, 6-5), and the dealer's hand displays a lower total, you find yourself in an advantageous situation that warrants considering the option to double down.

Soft 16 to 18 Against the Dealer’s Low Cards

When it comes to playing blackjack, having a soft hand is a real advantage. This occurs when you hold an ace along with another card that has a value of 5, 6, or 7. The ace, in particular, holds great potential as it is statistically more likely to help you reach the desired total of 21. However, it's crucial to strike a balance and not get carried away. Doubling down is a smart move, but only when the dealer's card is on the lower end of the spectrum, ranging from 2 to 6. So, while the ace can be a game-changer, it's important to exercise caution and make strategic decisions based on the dealer's hand.

When dealt a hand containing an ace and a lower card, typically ranging from 2 to 4, it is generally recommended to opt for the strategy of hitting. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of achieving a high-value hand decreases significantly. Therefore, it is more advantageous to take an additional card in the hopes of improving the overall value of the hand.

Hard 9 Against the Dealer’s Low Cards

In this particular scenario, it is highly advisable to seize the opportunity and enhance your chances by doubling down. The key lies in the probability factor, as it indicates that when the dealer's face-up card falls between 3 and 6, with no ace present, your initial hand value being 9 becomes crucial. The underlying principle is that the dealer is highly prone to going bust under these circumstances. Therefore, by doubling down, you are strategically positioning yourself to capitalize on this advantageous situation and potentially maximize your winnings.

Given that you possess a challenging nine, your hand does not consist of any aces, and the feasible combinations encompass 2–7, 3–6, or 4–5.

If you have an ace and a card with a value of 8 or less (soft hand), it is recommended to stay regardless of the dealer's card.

When Not to Double Down?

In certain scenarios, it's crucial to avoid doubling down as it can lead to rapid loss of a substantial amount of money. This is particularly true when the dealer possesses a significantly high probability of winning, making it imperative for players to refrain from doubling down under any circumstances. It's important to recognize that doubling down isn't always a wise move and can result in detrimental financial consequences within a short span of time.

Allow us to provide further explanation on that matter:

When your hard hand total is higher than 11

When faced with this particular scenario, the odds are stacked against you for landing a winning hand such as a 9 or 8, making it more probable that you will exceed the desired hand total and lose. Consequently, rather than opting to double down, it would be wiser to either take an additional card or maintain your current hand total if it is lower, while keeping your fingers crossed for the dealer's hand to exceed 21 instead. The reason behind this choice lies in the fact that the dealer possesses a 53.8% likelihood of obtaining a formidable hand valued at 18 or higher.

When a dealer is showing an ace

As soon as I spot the dealer with an ace, I make sure not to double down. It's just not a wise move, considering how strong of a card the ace is. The dealer, with an ace in hand, has a 30.4% chance of either getting close to or hitting the blackjack. Unless my hand value happens to be 11, there's no way for me to match this probability. It's important to note that any hand other than 11 places me at a significant disadvantage against the dealer.

When your hard hand value is not between nine and 11

Doubling down doesn't make sense for hand values less than 9 because it restricts the maximum potential value of your hand. Conversely, hand values greater than 11 have a higher likelihood of going bust compared to forming hands with values ranging from 18 to 21.

In general, if you are uncertain about doubling down, it is advisable to err on the side of caution and maintain your bet at its current level.


What does it mean to double down in blackjack?

At the end of the hand, the dealer will settle all bets after you have been dealt two cards. To receive an additional card from the dealer, you have the option to double your bet. Initially, you can place another bet that is equal to the first one. Following this, the dealer will give you the third card, completing the process.

How to signal you want to double down in blackjack?

The decision to double down in the game hinges on whether the cards are revealed or concealed. In the case of face-down cards, it is necessary to flip them over prior to increasing the wager. On the other hand, if the cards are already face-up, one must begin by adding additional chips adjacent to the original bet, outside the designated betting area. After completing this step, a simple gesture of pointing to the chips with the index finger will effectively communicate the intention to double down to the dealer.

Can you double down after splitting?

Certainly! It is indeed possible to double down when you have split hands. When you split your hands, they are treated as individual hands, allowing you the opportunity to double your bet. These split hands are considered as two distinct original hands, granting you the freedom to act and make decisions just as you would on your initial hand before the split occurred. It's important to note, however, that split aces are an exception to this rule. Although you cannot double down on split aces, you still have the option to double them down.

Is doubling down allowed after hitting?

As soon as a player makes a hit, they forfeit the opportunity to double down. The chance to double down arises after the dealer has distributed the initial two cards, and it is solely at this point that the player can decide whether to place a double down wager or not. It is crucial to note that this is the sole instance during a round when one can exercise the option to double down.

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AP Nick


Greetings, my name is Alex, and I extend a warm welcome to this webpage. For more than 13 years, I have embarked on a journey as a seasoned Blackjack expert. While my home base is Southern California, I venture across the United States, engaging in blackjack as a lucrative enterprise. Throughout my extensive experience, I have witnessed and accomplished every aspect of this captivating game, including the intricacies of casinos and the art of card counting, which I am more than capable of guiding you through. Stick around, as this site will consistently provide you with the most recent and noteworthy occurrences and developments within the fascinating realm of blackjack.