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Blackjack Dealers Always Escape a Bust!

"The dealer always avoids going over the card limit!"

It's a common complaint among blackjack players at the tables, though obviously not true, that dealers always bust. So, what are the chances of a dealer actually going bust? Well, that depends on a few key factors: the card the dealer is showing and the remaining cards in the deck. Let's analyze the probabilities of the dealer getting different hands when they reveal a 6 in a game played with a double deck of cards.

Chances of the Dealer Going Over the Limit

Let me explain the situation to you. The odds of the dealer going bust are not in your favor, as you can see. To be precise, the dealer has slightly more than a 42% chance of going bust. It's important to note that these odds are based on the dealer having a 6 showing. Now, if you find yourself with a weak hand, let's say a total of 12-16, you might be tempted to stand against a dealer's 6, hoping that he will go bust. However, I'm afraid that's unlikely to happen for you.

Let's delve into the fascinating realm of card counting and how it can empower you to capitalize on shifting probabilities. When you maintain an accurate count, you become cognizant of those opportune moments when the deck becomes abundant in high-ranking cards. Allow me to illustrate this concept with a crude illustration involving a game utilizing two decks, where half of the cards ranging from 2 to 6 have been eliminated. Now, let us ponder upon the likelihood of a dealer exceeding 21 when they reveal a 6.

Busting Probability Increased

I've come to realize that your chances of making the dealer go bust are now higher than ever, surpassing the 50/50 mark. It's not just a matter of safety anymore when it comes to standing on a hand totaling 12-16; it's also about the potential gains from doubling down or splitting against a dealer showing a 6. In fact, these moves are becoming even more enticing and profitable.

Let's consider the flip side for a moment, shall we? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play a double deck game with only half of the face cards and half of the aces removed?

Busting Probability Decreased

The likelihood of the dealer going over 21 is quite slim in this situation. Just envision the minuscule possibilities of going over with a 2 or 3!

So what's the takeaway from all this? Well, here's the deal: you can't just kick back and hope that the dealer goes bust on your behalf. Chances are, even when they're showing a measly 6, the dealer will manage to pull off a decent hand. However, seasoned blackjack players can sense when the dealer is more susceptible to busting and will smartly up their bets accordingly. In addition to tweaking your betting strategy, it's also crucial to adapt your gameplay for certain hands in order to fully exploit your advantage over the house.

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Mastering the art of playing blackjack effectively





AP Nick


Welcome to my website! I'm Nick, and I've spent the past 13 years honing my skills as a Professional Blackjack Player. While I call Southern California home, I spend a significant amount of time traveling throughout the United States, using blackjack as a means to make a living. Over the years, I've had the opportunity to witness and experience everything there is to know about casinos, card counting (which I can teach you), and the world of blackjack. Make sure to stay connected to my site so you can stay informed about all the recent happenings and updates in the thrilling realm of blackjack.